The preparation process for video filming is usually the most comprehensive and critical. Here’s what it may involve:
Script Writing: Developing a detailed script that clearly describes the action, dialogue, and scene changes for the shoot.
Pre-Shooting: Conducting a pre-shooting process to test lighting, sound, and camera settings, as well as to identify and resolve any potential issues before the main shoot.
Storyboard and Shooting Plan: Two technical documents that facilitate a high-quality staged video recording. The first consists of sketches of the visual aspects of the shoot. The second is a technical plan for the sequence of shots. For large-scale projects, this helps ensure nothing important is missed, enhancing the quality of the final product.
These are the key aspects to consider before a video shoot. Often, most issues resolve themselves, especially in the case of promotional or corporate videos, where I frequently utilize the company’s own resources regarding locations, people, and other details. During project discussions, I always strive to find the optimal solution.